Welcome to Grade 5
February has been a busy month already! We are celebrating I Love to Read month with an emphasis on Humility as well as celebrating being a part of Catholic Schools with our spirit week.
Outside of our festivities we are busy in the classroom!
In Religion we are learning about prayer, when and how to pray, as well as preparing our own prayers to share at announcement time.
In Language Arts, we are focusing on Expository writing. We are examining different pieces, looking at similarities and differences, and then talking about how to take information from a piece and make it our own. We are continuing our Spelling each Monday as well as working in our grammar books.
In Math we have started our fraction unit. We are looking at what are fractions, how to find equivalent fractions, as well as comparing fractions. This is a short unit and the test will be close to the end of the month.
In Science, we are learning about the skin as well as other defenses our bodies have to keep us healthy (which is important at this time of year!). We will also look at the respiratory system as well as the circulatory system.
In Social Studies we have started to learn about both the Vikings as well as other European explorers. We are learning about why they came to Canada, as well as what happened when they arrived.
In French we have begun to look at some food vocabulary, as well as starting to learn how to form smaller sentences in French.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email, call the school, or pop in to see me any time after school!
Mrs. Pollock